Wednesday, September 7, 2011

bear crossing....

these huge, old, apple trees are beautiful...... but big attractants for bears...

I had a house full of relatives that were anxious to see a bear from our deck last weekend. Since we moved into our new home, two months ago,  I have seen quite a few...... ( that a lot?)  Of course, this evening, after everybody has left, I glance outside the kitchen window and see a magnificent bear down by the root cellar. I am too fascinated to go for my camera until after he is in the hollow.  He was heading for the grove of apple trees that are thick with fruit. acquisitions...a better camera, a telescope, and a big can of bear spray.....


Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Susan:
You ask, 'Is 13 a lot?', that is of bear sightings from the kitchen window. We should answer a huge number never, as far as we are able to recall, having seen more than two or three in a zoo as children, and never in the wild. How hugely exciting, and just a little frightening for anyone thinking of a walk in the woods.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, that's a bit too close for comfort!

Anna at the Doll House said...

I have just found you by accident and am both impressed and a little concerned at seeing how closely you live with bears.

I wonder how your Jack Russell terrier, Macey, reacts to the sniff of a bear. In my experience, these little dogs are almost fearless and quite oblivious to their own diminutive size.

I am your newest follower.


Pet said...

How sweet, apple fancying bears! Like a Disney movie :-)
Your countryside is like a dream to me!

Joyful Things said...

We have three. They eat the plums and apples and then sleep under the trees and poop on my garden path. I think they've moved in! Archie the dog hates them.

the nyanzi report said...

oh wow! that's in your backyard?

drollgirl said...

bear country! 13 is a LOT! wow!!!

Fashionistable said...

And there was me thinking foxes were fascinating. This wins hands down. Not surprised it was heading for the apples. Sweet as honey. Must be hard to resist. Wow. Xxxx

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Having had an up close and personal encounter with a bear, I'd pass on the 13 visitors myself but you can't fault them for wanting to find good stuff to munch on. Your world is amazing. Oma Linda

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Yeah, I"m thinking that is quite a lot of bears. How do you go for walks down by the lake. Can you make them your friends so they won't bother you?

Bear Spray = friendship.

Loved the photos. So beautiful.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Wow! That does sound extreme!

Deborah said...

So magnificent to see but I definitely prefer seeing them from a distance.