Thursday, September 22, 2011

a bountiful garden of delight.......

a fence like this is the only way to stop the deer from eating everything.....

chickens scratching around like chickens are supposed to.....

when somebody calls you a brooding hen....this is what you look like....

gravity fed water gives  lots of natural, water features.....

that is a bee hive hanging over the door....

odd, odder, and oddest....

that would be mother goose.....

i hated to cut down this purple amaranth but i was assured it would only go to the chickens if i didn't take it......what a score!

a perfect day.....

beans as tall as the trees.....
That friend of mine with the winning smile, and 21 first prizes, had a birthday yesterday.....A gorgeous farm, surrounded by a very tall fence to keep out the critters, is the home for chickens, ducks, geese and until recently turkeys. Susan showed me a hen that had escaped outside the fence to brood. She will stay like that on her eggs for 21 days, then the eggs will hatch..... The veggies were fabulous and i was lucky enough to be given all of the gorgeous, purple amaranth. (for the dye cauldron, of course)......a bountiful garden of delight.....


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Delightful! I can do an amazing chicken buck-buck-buckAY imitation. Too bad you can't hear it.

California Girl said...

What a lovely place. I just came back from a few days on the coast of Maine. Some of the gardens on the island were just gorgeous, lovingly tended, creative, memorable.

The gravity fed pond is especially inviting. I've always wanted one but, as we now have a rather large brook in our yard, I guess it would be superfluous.

Julie@beingRUBY said...

I love it.. especially the brooding hen and mother goose.. although I;m not too keen on the beehive.. haha but that is just the wus in me

Have a great day.. and Happy Birthday to your friend Susan.. ciao xxx Julie

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I didn't realize that you had Muscovy ducks. My friend Justina has 7 of these very odd and yet very fun ducks. You should go visit her blog
What a lovely garden you have and the water features are something I envy. Shame on my name huh?
Happy Autumn, Oma Linda

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

what a beautiful day! I love the bee hive hanging- never seen anything like that before.

Cloudia said...

I feel enriched!

Warm Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Susan:
How lovely to have friends who live and farm in what looks to be a very traditional and environmentally friendly way. We do so enjoy seeing poultry given the freedom of plenty of space to live as naturally as possible. We are sure the hens' eggs must be very yellow indeed!

Mrs P said...

Susan what lovely photos, how different where you live is to where I live - Welsh hens would only sit on their eggs in Spring (I think - don't own any so can't be sure) and I would have had to put the amaranth in a vase - can't you use it to dye when the flowers are past their best? Joanne x

Pet said...

But deer do not eat chicken, not even in tales :-)

rjerdee said...

I'm enchanted by the garden shed (chicken house?) hung with garden tools and basins of all sorts!!! Does it all go in for the winter?

Joyful Things said...

Wow. I could live there in a heartbeat. This post makes me want to have some hens of my own. Have a great weekend! Joy

Anna at the Doll House said...

How nice to see happy-looking chickens and geese. I hope the bees are happy too. The thought of angry bees living over that doorway is too bad to even contemplate.


Linda Lou and Senor, Too said...

Wow, I love that bee hive! What gorgeous pictures and happy chickens!

L'Adelaide said...

love those ducks and that bee that's brave!

this is so that red vine on the deer fence grape vines? we have to cover ours and am thinking of grapes because of the red color.... ;)

lovely weekend to you ♥

the nyanzi report said...

delightful indeed. in-tune with mother nature.

Karen Mello Burton said...

In my next life I would live like this. I have started breeding rabbits and love it!