Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mexico is feeling poorly.....

Muna town square      After reading today's Yucatan Times I don't think we will be planning a trip to Mexico in the near future. The chief of the tourist police was ambushed and killed yesterday in Playa del Carmen. It was gang and drug related of course. The town of Muna, which we visited last winter, is reported to be a hotbed for drug and gang violence. Gang members were deported from California where they had been living illegally. Upon return one was murdered in broad daylight in the town square of Muna. The article states that violence has taken over that small town. In Acapulco, teachers are refusing to go back to school because the cartels are demanding half of their wages as protection money. In Nuevo Leon, not far from the terrible casino ambush that killed 62 last month, citizens are being trained by police in the use of firearms. Over 1400 people have been killed there in drug related deaths this year. There are also many cases of children and relatives being kidnapped and ransomed. The newspaper also has articles about the terrible contamination in the cenotes of the Yucatan. I wonder how many tourists come home with bugs from swimming in them? A red tide in the Gulf of Mexico has also left the beaches covered in dead marine life. This is the last year of the Mayan calendar and it seems like Mexico is feeling poorly. I hope they get it together soon....cause that is just too scary.....


rjerdee said...

Oh my. I have a friend with a home in Mexico...just south of Tucson, Arizona in the USA. She always said, "We have to visit Mexico City NOW before it's too late!!!!" That is one suffering country!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Gulp. Yes, my son Is living in Monterrey, MX until March. He hasn't been exposed to any of the violence, but he was in Nuevo Leon for a bit. So sad the way the corruption of drugs and weak leaders has messed up such a wonderful place.

ps I read your post about tea veiling in the East in my reader, but I can't find it on your blog itself. I wanted to tell you that you are one cool hippie!

Pet said...

This is so sad. I remember Playa del Carmen, it used to be a nice an peaceful place, even if more and more touristy, up to very few years ago. We went there in 2007, with our very small boys then, and used to have dinner at La Bodeguita de Enmedio in the middle of the town, with the children playing outside!

A Lady's Life said...

oh my what a sad thing to happen
Well at least they are trying to clean it up and we all hope they do.

Fashionistable said...

I would say Mexico is very sick. I believe I have read that it is one of the most violent places on earth. They need a lot of love indeed. Xxxx

Jill said...

Isn't it awful!