Monday, October 3, 2011

"piece of cake"

 tiny (soon to be expanded) pottery studio.....

When ever I would fret about moving our 12 cubic foot gas kiln, my husband would say things like..."don't worry about it.......not a big deal.......easy.......piece of cake....."


OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I guess that's his idea of easy peasy....What a lovely studio. Is it bear proof????? Oma Linda

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your husband must be a good guy to have around!

Pet said...

Wow, and still you have to do the icing :-)

rjerdee said...

Wow, so that's what it looks like! I'm accustomed to kilns built inside the studio...this seems marvelously safe, keeping it out of the main building.

Jill said...

I wish I were artistic!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Wow... I need someone handy like that ..that can turn a difficult task into.. 'a piece of cake'!! Do you ever fret to him about the housework? hehe.. maybe he'll polish that off for you too!!! Great work.. and great shots!!
ciao ciao xxx Julie

the nyanzi report said...

love the composition in the first shot.

Sahildeki Ev said...

Well, it really looks like a piece of cake..enjoy your new place..

Kevin Read said...

Not to sure that was a piece of cake, but you kiln has been delievered. Looking forward to seeing a new expanded potter studio though.

Kevin and Ruth
Silence, what do you mean silence. Your pictures just spoke a thousand words, no more were needed. Tucker just loves his job of keeping us all entertained. He is such a happy dog, I love it!

Kevin and Ruth

Pearl said...

Oh, how cool! I am in awe...


Amanda Summer said...

piece of cake? wow, your husband is one cool customer.

i've always dreamed of a pottery studio - had one for a brief moment but the kiln was never hooked up to electric.

bet you can't wait to get your hands in the clay! ;-)

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Susan
Just popped back to say hi.. and seeing this post again is making me laugh.. not sure why.. perhaps I get a visual of hubby saying 'piece of cake' and you fretting.. camera in hand.. haha

Have a great week.. ciao xxx Julie

Diana Mieczan said...

Your studio looks so fantastic, sweetie. Kisses

Cobalt Violet said...

Holy cow! Where there's a will ...

Fashionistable said...

Very pretty pottery studio. Isnt it good to have someone positive like your husband around to let you know that everything will be fine. Xxxx