Wednesday, January 18, 2012

bring it....

Lots of people are on holiday in tropical destinations right now. If you can't go too, (like me)...just...bring it......


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I think it's time to go to West Edmonton Mall and sit in the wave pool. It's -43 with the windchill today. Are we friggin nuts to be Canadians or what?

drollgirl said...

they are?! well that is no fair while we sit here working our asses off! i hope tropical vacations come soon! :)

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Susan:
If only we were as talented as you, then we should delight in bringing in the tropical destination in this beautiful way.

Wind in our hair, standing on the in Brighton we should catch pneumonia!!!

Pooch Purple Reign said...

Oh , this is SO pretty ! i love !
~laura xx

Julie@beingRUBY said...

oh Susan .. i love this lady.. you can see how happy she is with her soft cool breeze on a balmy day

Actually it is a bit balmy here.. summer has finally remembered to kick in.. but I could do with her attitude and cool breeze!!

Love this Susan and the 'snap out of it'.. hehe.. those eyes!!

Have a great week.. ciao xxx Julie

Deb Kirkeeide said...

How fun this is!
I can see, smell and feel those Island breezes now.

doreen said...

oh to be somewhere warm and beachy....i can almost feel it!

Karen Mello Burton said...

That looks like you on a beach somewhere!

secret agent woman said...


I am longing for the beach.

rjerdee said...

Oh, you make me feel like dancing!

Deborah said...

Beautiful! It looks like she's ready to dance away.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Wish I was headed to a tropical destination.