Wednesday, January 25, 2012

sun pod coming through

chances of entry....slim.......


Anna at the Doll House said...

I would love a sun pod to visit here too but the forecast is just for more snow.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I thought your post title read "Sun god" -- but he has no hope in hell of showing up here either.

donna baker said...

Just slogged through mud and rain to feed the neighbors horses and saw your post. At least I know mine will be gone in a day but your's is prettier at least.

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Susan:
Gosh, what a contrast of mood between your painting and the photograph. Your 'sun pod' reminds us of juicy melons at the height of summer and then came the ice cream!!

SM said...

looks very beautiful

drollgirl said...

lol. you are so funny! and i hope the sun shows up for you sooner or later! :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

No sun, but beautiful nonetheless.

doreen said...

this just makes me smile!...and you never just might make it (O:

Fashionistable said...

Slim for now but its coming. You certainly bring it with you. Xxxx