Tuesday, May 22, 2012

the morning after.....

...sometimes you get a little....... red eye...........


Adam said...

Cool painting

doreen said...

Love it! Love the earrings!I can almost feel her personality!

Cloudia said...


Friendly Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } (°>

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Susan:
Your first image reminded us so much of the photograph by Edward Steichen of Gloria Swanson seen through a lace veil. Yes, the eyes have it!

This is certainly a woman to be reckoned with with all those chiselled features. Strong, determined, and focussed, even with the red eye. What is on her mind, we wonder?!!

Chantel said...

I like the animal side of this woman, she seems slightly dangerous.

Joyful Things said...

I love her! she is beautiful.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And what about those leopard spots?

Karen Mello Burton said...

This looks just like me with my massive allergy attacks I have been having!

Rue said...

Oh - that was me today! Chest cold, plus lack of sleep, equals puffy eyes & flushed cheeks.

I do wish I could rock a good animal print though.

drollgirl said...

red eye can mean sadness or way too much fun!

may you have way too much fun this weekend! :)

rjerdee said...

My puffy-eyed self-portrait for sure...after a few too many glasses of red wine :)

Fashionistable said...

So my question is was the party that caused the red eye worth it :-). At least I hope it was a party. Xxxx

Pooch Purple Reign said...

Been there !! lol
~laura xx