Sunday, July 15, 2012

tragedy strikes Johnson's Landing.....

The tiny, remote community of Johnson's Landing on  Kootenay Lake was struck last Thursday morning with a horrific landslide that swept down the steep mountain into the lake, taking four homes along with it. Four people are missing....their house covered with mud, trees, and debris. A highly trained group of rescuers has been flown in.  Heavy rains have been plaguing our region for weeks. Last week it became very hot, very fast. The melt high in the mountains made the creeks roar. It is believed that Gar creek was blocked by an avalanche that occurred last winter.The water just kept building up and saturating the area like a big water balloon. On Thursday morning it burst.  For the 35 residents of Johnson's Landing, including a holistic retreat, the world has changed forever........
photos courtesy of B.C. Environment Service....


OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

So sad. Natural catastrophes are so hard to understand or reconcile. It that site very close to you? Oma Linda

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Isn't that a terrible story? The first thing I thought of was the retreat centre. I've never been there but I've seen in advertised many times in BC spirituality mags which we get here in Alberta too.

donna baker said...

I must say a landslide has never been a worry for me. That one looked huge. We have had the ground so saturated, that large trees fell down. What a terrible thing to happen.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh no......this is awful! When living in Los Angeles many years ago, we had a splendid bungalow on a hill. During the rains, mud would come sliding down into our neighbor's kitchen....this however, is of grand proportions and I cannot imagine what this would be like. I pray those who are missing are well...thank you so much for your kind words and visit! Anita

rjerdee said...

susan, this is horrific! and .ike so many other horrors we hear about in this weather-crazy year. we have so much calm beauty around us every day that it's shocking when nature has an eruption, a drought, a flood, a heat wave, a crack in the surface. life. fragile.

drollgirl said...

that is truly terrifying. mother nature can be so kind, and so cruel. we really don't stand a chance when we are in her way.

Karen Mello Burton said...

So sad and scary.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Oh, my. Very tragic and I'm certain unexpected. Totally stripped land. Very scary.

Secret Agent Woman said...

That is so sad. Life just turns on a dime.