Friday, January 27, 2012

neural pathways.....

Getting your brain working in new ways is a very healthy thing. More activity in your brain means new pathways are being formed that help protect the brain from dementia and other old age diseases. Repetitive mental exercise is not as helpful as unfamiliar mental exercise. Shake it up! Learn something new! Do something different!......form neural pathways and remember better tomorrow.......


rjerdee said...

Seems like change is always happening...nothing ever stays the same and so much to learn every day. Sometimes I object, would feel good to do something familiar for awhile...

donna baker said...

Love the artwork.

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Susan:
No danger in not having the neural pathways shaken up on our visits here. We never know what we shall find!

Secret Agent Woman said...

And that includes new physical activities - learning a new sport or dance, for instance. Novelty is key.

Janice said...

gorgeous colors! nicely done!

Fashionistable said...

Great advice and imagery to go with it. Thank You. Xxxx