Tuesday, February 14, 2012

snow so crusty ....you can walk on it......

silver birch.....

note the Canada Goose tracks......they have been in the bird feeder.....

It got quite warm for a few days...above freezing anyways....and the snow melted and shrank. Last night it got cold again, -8 C. ....Perfect!...The snow is frozen and finally we can ditch the snow shoes......sunshine made the walk even better......


Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a beautiful winter's day! We have one of those ergonomic snow shovels too.

Cloudia said...

enjoyable post!

Warm Aloha Valentines wishes from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

donna baker said...

I fully expected to see you doing a polar bear plunge in the river.

doreen said...

Looks like the perfect winters day....hope you enjoyed it!

rjerdee said...

Snow...I remember that! I grew up in Minnesota :)

Pearl said...

I know it's cold (I'm writing from Minneapolis) but with the lack of snow we have here right now, I'm just saying it sure is beautiful.


Winter's not winter without snow...


Deborah said...

Gorgeous! So crisp and fresh, I imagine.

Secret Agent Woman said...

Wow - lovely. None here.

Val said...

that looks so magically beautiful and crisp - clean snow! what do your snow shoes look like? tennis racquets? :)

cindy gibb said...

It has been a great winter hasn't it Susan. I am happy that I found your blog. We must catch up sometime! Loving your jewelry and art.

Cobalt Violet said...

Magical! How beautiful! Lovely photos ... inspiring. Makes me want to go to the snow and paint!