Thursday, August 18, 2011

the dock is now open for swimming.....

finally,...the day has come!...i took the first swim off our dock today......the river has gone down ( about 6 feet ) and is not scary anymore....the mosquitoes have completely disappeared,.....the ladder is in.......quick, we only have about a month .......the dock is now open for swimming....


Dharma said...

I'll be right there! lol - you obviously need another mermaid to float with today, right?

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Susan:
As, sadly, swimming is not our forte, we shall not be joining you in a dive from the dock. However, it all looks wonderful and we should definitely be up for dangling our toes in the water. Enjoy!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Cute toes! I used to swim in a river too when I was a kid. Nice except for the occasional leech.

Joyful Things said...

many hours of my youth were spent in a river that ran through our farm - wonderful experiences. Enjoy your swims.

drollgirl said...

i'll be right over! i wish! :)

Janice said...

Beautiful!!! You know we were just looking at moving to White Rock?!! We decided no, because of the kids starting school etc...but it was looking soooooooooooooo tempting!!

Thanks for visiting my blog!

California Girl said...

I like this scene (your toes, the ladder going down, the clear river water).

Haven't the mosquitoes been awful this year? They've just recently disappeared here in the great northeast. It's been a good summer, but filled with biting bugs. Do you have black flies where you are?

Cloudia said...

oh to sit there with you and dream. Idyllic.

BTW your book is in the mail!!!

Thanks for riding along, Dear

Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >


Pierre BOYER said...

Lovely place...
Regards from France,


Pet said...

Wow, I'll love to swim there. I really like swimming - it would be a treat!

SM said...

refreshing pics

Mrs P said...

What a lovely way to get your exercise - limbo and swimming x

Sunny Carvalho said...

So beautiful!! (I love your toes in the picture...cute, cute!) I wish I had this scenery out my back door. Enjoy the time you have (even if it's only a month!!) Thanks for the nice post on my get back in that water and off this computer! LOL

Midlife Roadtripper said...

I could float there, very easily.

the nyanzi report said...

what! you have a river in your backyard? i'm even more jealous now than before!

Fashionistable said...

Brilliant. It looks sooooo inviting. I want to come swim too. Enjoy. Xxxx

Cobalt Violet said...

How fun! I must admit to a bit of envy though!! :)
Hope you are enjoying all the blessings!!!
Have a great weekend!

Karen Mello Burton said...

So cozy and fun. I'll be right up!

♥ Braja said...

that first image is great....

♥ Braja said...

that first image is great....

rjerdee said...

Awesome...swimming with the current? Nice challenge!

Arti said...

Enjoy your swimming session! Have fun, the weather looks just fine!!
Have a wonderful sunday:)

Kevin Read said...

What a beautiful setting. Too bad you had to wait until mid August before you could swim in the river though. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Kevin and Ruth

secret agent woman said...

Great place for a swim. Our mosquitoes are still plentiful this time of year.

Amanda Summer said...

wow - how is it possible for there to be no mosquitoes? looks like a lovely place to swim ;-)

doreen said...

this looks so inviting - I'd love to join you for a swim! enjoy!