Sunday, August 14, 2011

i love summer....

sunshine and shadow.....warmth........finally really feeling it.......i love summer....


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Enjoy it while it lasts!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

What a gorgeous corner of this earth that you live, you are selling this place? Or another?

MissBliss said...

soak in the summer... :) my project for now too...

xo xo from Miami Beach

Pet said...

You might like La Mola, but I definitively love your place!

rjerdee said...

Oh,, zen.
Glad you can have a little of that warmth we've been feeling. Finally, it has cooled to a comfortable 85...we're all so happy around here! Time to go off to the State Fair...ah, summer!

the nyanzi report said...

the first picture has got to be one heck of a view.

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Ciao Susan
Gorgeous shots... So peaceful at your new home...

I love summer also and will be having two... Now in Roma and today I saw your dancing man !!! You know at the
Trevi fountain... I had a little chuckle to myself and thought of you!!!!

Ps he's still dancing!!!! Ciao Bella xxxx Julie

ed pilolla said...

i love summer, too, and i'm like the close up of the sunny face, as it fascinated me in your first photo. summer's end is on my my mind these days, however:(
here from deb kirkeeide's.