Tuesday, August 23, 2011

up the lazy river....

summer is just floating by.....


Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Susan:
Yes, as you say, summer is floating by but, we wonder, could it do so in any more relaxed, peaceful or picturesque manner than what you show here? We think most likely not.

Rivers are wonderful additions to any landscape and really do give a sense of calm and well being. You are so fortunate to have this one so close to where you live.

Here, in temperatures of over 35C, we have been paddling in the Danube - albeit on the very edge!!

Pet said...

Do you kayak on the river yourself?
I love kayaking - I used to kayak quite a lot when younger. The place looks like perfect for that. Lucky you!

the nyanzi report said...

outstanding natural beauty.

rjerdee said...

Oh, what a way to go!!! Yes, summer is floating by and my thoughts are turning south to Florida where the living is as easy as your river is right now...we sit on deck at Snook Haven to watch fishermen and kayakers mosey on down the alligator-infested waters of the Myakka River...no swimming going on there!

Mrs P said...

Is that river really on your doorstep? You are lucky x

Joyful Things said...

I have river envy!

Deb Kirkeeide said...

You must wake up sooo happy each morning. To be greeted with this incredible view. *sigh*

Fashionistable said...

It sure is floating by. And can see beautifully for you. The dragon fly is wonderful. Xxxx

SM said...

beautiful pics

drollgirl said...

this reminds me of tom sawyer! or is it huckleberry finn? well, nevermind -- it reminds me of good things (that i am missing out on -- lol)! :)

Deborah said...

So incredibly beautiful!

dressingup-everyday said...

Such a wonderful pics!.The first one is my fav because i love the ducks.

secret agent woman said...

Very peaceful. I especially like the dragonfly.

♥ Braja said...

lovely water shots.....so perfect

Jenny said...

You have inspired me to get out and have some fun with my art - thank you - at the moment I am experimenting with reborn shabby chic furniture! Have posted some on my blog.

Thanks again - Jenny @ French A La Beach

Cobalt Violet said...

Oh ... it's so beautiful!!! Enjoy!!! :)