Thursday, September 8, 2011

deer at dusk.....

at dusk the deer blend into the dry grasses...then disappear.....


Anna at the Doll House said...

They really blend in with the landscape and they are so very shy.
Sometimes, deer stray into our garden but move-on again so quickly that I rarely get a photo.
These pictures are so atmospheric.


Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Susan:
How absolutely magical. First bears, now deer, you live in a wonderland. And how lovely is that?!!

Pet said...

Yeah, it is like the jungle is jumpin' in The Jungle Book!

doreen said...

wow...i love seeing the wildlife that shares your property! how wonderful to look out your window and see what you see!

rjerdee said...

how lovely...and bucolic.

drollgirl said...

OH DEER! lol. they really are beautiful. you live in a wonderland!

Linda Lou and Senor, Too said...

Ah, you certainly have a way to my PNW heart with those photos! LL