Monday, September 12, 2011

harvest fair....

Harvest is the big celebration in any rural area. What could be more wondrous than the best of the crop? Slocan Valley Fall Fair had an abundant turnout in all the categories of ....."best of"....One of my dearest friends won 21 first prizes....her best bouquet was only out shone by her big smile....


Anna at the Doll House said...

What fun to see these pictures. Sadly, here in the North they don't seem to have a tradition for showing fruits, vegetables and flowers. they don't know what they are missing.


rjerdee said...

What an adorable friend...she looks like a winner :) It's harvest time here and we're enjoying the fruits of our labors!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Oh, that looks like a great way to welcome in Autumn!

the nyanzi report said...

looks like a great community event.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This takes me right back to my childhood and the local agricultural fair! Glad to see this tradition carries on in your area!

Amanda Summer said...

your friend has the most wonderful smile....!!

i absolutely love state fairs and miss the one i grew up with in minnesota - love your shot of all the crafts ~

i was usually preoccupied with the food, tho - corn on the cob, fried green tomatoes, deep fried.....everything!

Mrs P said...

What lovely community spirit and how great to be able to grow healthy food. I tried pumpkins last year but no luck whatsoever x

Fashionistable said...

Susan is beautiful and has a wonderful big smile. 21 firsts I would be smiling too. Congratulations to her. Xxxx

BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...

this post made me hungry, im such a huge fan of veggies.

drollgirl said...

that is a LOT of first prizes! wow! and very much deserved! quite a bounty going on here!!!