Friday, September 16, 2011

shadow dance....

...sometimes the light is just right...... to see a shadow dance.....


L'Adelaide said...

you live in such a heavenly seems to be everywhere! xox

Debra She Who Seeks said...


the nyanzi report said...

you got that right.

Pet said...

And then with such a "Japanese garden" background too!

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Susan:
How magical this is. And how wonderful that you saw the potential of this image in which the shadows really do play upon the wall. Many others, ourselves included, would most likely have passed by without noticing and, in so doing, have missed out on a little piece of intriguing joy.

rjerdee said...

With all those beautiful big windows, you'll be dancing all year long...winter or summer!

Mrs P said...

What a beautiful and clever photograph - well spotted x

Cloudia said...

just lovely!

Aloha from Waikiki;

We are crazed moving! Please excuse my absence!

Comfort Spiral

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< ° ) } } > <

Anna at the Doll House said...

Just lovely


Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Susan
Well the statue and your photo are delicious!!! gorgeous.. I just love the light at your new place..

Have a great week ... ciao xxx Julie

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Susan
Well the statue and your photo are delicious!!! gorgeous.. I just love the light at your new place..

Have a great week ... ciao xxx Julie

Amanda Summer said...

that's beautiful, sue! reminds me of javanese shadow puppets.....have you ever seen the film the year of living dangerously? one of my favorites, set in djakarta...

Karen Mello Burton said...

Very cool! Art in the home is what makes it a home.

Fashionistable said...

I sure is perfect. I love art deco this is a beautiful piece you have here. Xxxx

drollgirl said...

she is gorgeous! and so is her shadow!

Deborah said...

So beautiful! Wonderful capturing of the shadows.