Monday, September 26, 2011

more please.....

no more squash though......(not my crop,.... but I left with a basket full....)

all sorts of great natural dying material about.....the process is so enjoyable......

the colors of fall......
Autumn has arrived, yet the valley is slow to turn.....we all want just a bit more summer......


Debra She Who Seeks said...

We're much further along with Autumn colours here in Alberta. Lovely time of year!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

We went in search of fall this weekend....the feeling in the air is here but the colors have not changed. But then again in the is very subtle. So that's why we headed to the mountains.
I just can't say it live where gorgeous meets wow.
Oma Linda

Mrs P said...

Ooh I need to see how the dye turns out, it looks so pretty the way you have arranged the flowers. Joanne x

Pet said...

I think it will be unfair you to get still more of anything :-)

rjerdee said...

Yes, a little more summer, please. Iowa has been unseasonably cold for half of September which, ordinarily, is the most beautiful month of the year in Iowa.

Joyful Things said...

More summer here too please! I'm ready for cooler temps but not so much for window scraping and shoveling.... Nice bounty of squash!

Cobalt Violet said...

Oy! I want to teleport myself there ...sit on your deck and drink in the beauty ... and maybe a little wine. :)
I am fascinated by the dying ... please share!

drollgirl said...

your pics are fab! i like them all! except the squash! lol. squash is nOT my thing. lol.

and hope you get your wish for a tiny bit more summer! it might just happen. :)

doreen said...

i cant wait to see what magic these marigolds make! fall is my favorite time of welcoming it in with open arms (O:

Anna at the Doll House said...

We are tired of squash here too. You really can have too much of a good thing.


Janice said...

I love the reflection photos, and the squash photo looks totally amazing!

Fashionistable said...

Yes more please these are lovely shots. Very serene. Looks like we are getting a bit more summer here Europe. It was sunny in Milan, is sunny now in London and will be sunny in Paris were I will be going this weekend. Xxxx

Deborah said...

Hello Mermaid ~ Love your love of natural dyes and all the artful arrangements you play with. Makes me smile. And I'm impressed with what you can grow in BC.

We must do tall fences here in Montana as well...pesky deer and raccoons. Nothing keeps out the raccoons...just pick before they get at it!

Check out my latest post at Miracle Sisters of my grape harvest. The juice was rather sour but we managed to harvest before the raccoon family moved in this year.

Those grapes stain like nothing else. Unfortunately the color turns to dirty grey-not the most attractive dye...although for a wool scarf it may be nice. What do you think?

Amanda Summer said...

ok - i want to be IN that first foto.......;-)

Pearl said...

What an absolutely beautiful part of the world...


Joanna said...

Wszystko takie śliczne, cudowne...pozdrawiam