Thursday, September 29, 2011


I wore my marigold skirt to town the other day and it felt like the once white, linen skirt had turned, like a leaf, into a muted, organic, covering. I could smell the marigolds all day. So when I got home I rummaged for a couple of white, cotton tee shirts to dye. This time I placed iron washers and bolts on the cloth, as well as lots of marigolds. I rolled them up tightly and tied them with string. I keep adding organic materials to the dye bath so it is changing all of the time. It started with tea and annatto seeds....then I added amaranth one day....another day I added beet juice. Every time I dye, I throw in a couple more tea bags. I simmer the bundles for half an hour then lie them in the sun. The next morning I eagerly unroll the bundles......How to create a fall wardrobe...naturally.....


Pet said...

I really like your art. God, I will be all day dyeing and painting if I could do all that!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

This is so inspiring. I love the look of the marigolds touch. Oma Linda

Cloudia said...

great art!

Warm Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral

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doreen said...

Wow! what great results you got! I love the use of organic and non organic've inspired me to pull out my natural colored wool and go gathering!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

How clever you are Susan.. my attempts at such never come out this well..

I love your art today.. is that a marigold sun or earth... fabulous.. and your woman in today's painting has attitude!! i like it!!.. hehe

Have a great weekend.. ciao xxx Julie

Deborah said...

Love the expression in the eyes of your woman. Is that you by any chance? Adorable!

Sunny Carvalho said...

That skirt is fabulous!! And I love that you could smell the marigolds all day...a little gift from nature.

The comment you left on my blog is one of the nicest comments I have ever received. I actually teared up!! Thank you so much.


Val said...

thats so interesting and fun; so do you keep the same dye bath going all the time?

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Susan:
The painting we love. And particularly so the image of the complete woman, so confident of expression and manner, hands firmly on hips, with that touch of benign defiance and the eyes which cannot quite be read.

As for your dyeing of garments - we are in awe!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

You just ooze art and earth and everything cool.

rjerdee said...

Like opening the kiln to see what happened to the glazes!

rjerdee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deborah said...

What great results you keep getting!

drollgirl said...

marigolds always remind me of the day of the dead -- which i absolutely LOVE! :)

have a fab weekend!

bridechic said...


Jase said...

Great pictures within the post! Excellent to look at! Keep up the great work because you're excellent at it!

the nyanzi report said...

great results.

secret agent woman said...

Ooh! I've long been a fan of tie-dye, but I love the idea of using what you find in nature. I am definitely going to try this!

Cobalt Violet said...

You are one awesome chick! How fun is that!?
And I am in LOVE with that skirt. Too cool.

PK Studios said...

Groovy!...Love the before and after shots of the "tie" dye. And fun paintings. Thanks for the hot blog tip Lucinda (Cobalt Violet, my sis)!

Arti said...

Amazing art! Loved the overall effect and the results...
Lovely and soft!
Have a great week ahead:)

Amanda Summer said...

your natural dyed fabrics are wonderful........and the marigold shirt was a real eye-catcher! if only flowers could be preserved on clothing that way..