Monday, February 6, 2012

happy hour......

old, hotel lounge.......happy hour
on the patio....happy hour
country fair.......happy hour
Asian restaurant......happy hour

picnic....happy hour

naming this series was easy.......


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, like they say . . . it's always 5:00 o'clock somewhere!

Pooch Purple Reign said...

anywhere... happy hour. love it !
~laura xx

Karen Mello Burton said...

Can yo ugive me a good substitute for happy hour for a non-drinker? I really need one!

Secret Agent Woman said...

Very happy!

doreen said...

these are great! i really love the color in the picnic happy hour!

GraficWorld said...


Fashionistable said...

5 amazing happy hours. Thank you Xxxx

rjerdee said...

Wow, these were a lot of fun!!! You're the first blog I visited after getting my new computer :)

drollgirl said...

happy hour has the best connotations! and the perfect name for this happy series! :)

Rue said...

Yes please! I'll take one of each! Seriously though - if you sold martini glasses like this - I'd buy them all - I've already got quite a collection!

Gorgeous - and just the cheeriness I needed!

Pet said...

You certainly seem happily creative. is it the feeling of spring being around the corner? :-)

Janice said...

I get confused how to say things, being canadian, but living in denver. I can't remember at times is it color or colour, is it z (zeee) or z (said) I usually get corrected anyways!

Happy Hour::::LOVE!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Wow, what gorgeous colors here! I am getting excited for spring and all the possibilities of implementing color in my garden and décor! THANK YOU for visiting today and HAIL TO OUR MEN!!!!! Anita