Sunday, February 12, 2012

under the influence......

 long, linear............beach and, spring line.......


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lovely long, dangly earrings. I have a short little mick neck and can't wear such long earrings, alas!

Janice said...

Stunning Pieces! i hope you saw that I included you in a treasury on etsy!

Dharma said...

OH! How I long to wear earrings again. I developed an allergy after childbirth to metal....these make me yearn. They are so beautiful!

donna baker said...

Love the first earrings best as I love white quartz because it goes with anything. Turquoise is my birthstone and supposedly it is good luck to wear it.

Val said...

such pretty exuberant things; i would be in trouble if i lived near your shop!

Amanda Summer said...

these are all my color palette - esp the painting at the very top of the post...and the earrings! i didn't know you were a jeweler, sue? multitalented you....lovely

drollgirl said...

love it! love the colors and i see the connections. beautiful!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Very nice! Love the turquoise!