Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I wait for the birds.....

Every morning the birds arrive at the feeder.....brilliant stellar jays, tons of tiny birds, flocks of exotic grosbeak. All day long the feeders are full. Down at the river we see Canada geese, all manner of ducks...even loons. In the sky we watch bald headed eagles, hawks, and other predators. Yesterday eight white swans flew right over our house in formation. Quiet and still, I wait for the birds.......
Happy 2012!.....keep your ducks in a row........


Janice said...

totally love this one!

donna baker said...

We are so the same. Am getting a little tired of filling the feeders. I use sunflower nut meats as there is no waste. They are expensive. I have a red headed woodpecker who comes several times a day, but most are the tiny ones. The cardinals wait for the droppings as they do not like the feeder. I would sure love to see swans in flight. Wow.

drollgirl said...

love that beautiful blue!

truth be told birds make me a bit nervous. perhaps a residual effect thanks to senor hitchcock! but i think they are beautiful nonetheless!

happy new year to ya! :)

Amanda Summer said...

will try to keep my ducks in a row!

what a face on this image, sue - wondering where the inspiration came from?

wishing you joy and happiness in the new year♡


sheerserendipity said...

Your blessed to see these beautiful birds everyday… Since I live by the shore we have the usual seagull or the pigeons! On a rare occasion I will see a red robbin. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

the nyanzi report said...

an absolute beauty.

Kazzy said...

Love it. Happy new year!

Cobalt Violet said...

LOVE this!!! It is wonderful. LOVE the birds on the had and her face and the amazing background and her hair and her outfit ... LOVE!

Just sayin'.

OH! And Happy New Year!!!

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Happiest of New Years to you Susan
I certainly hope my ducks finally make formation this year...

Another beautiful interpretation .. love love those little duckies on her brim!!

Sounds like you are living in paradise.. A good environment for a great year ahead!! ciao ciao xxx Julie

secret agent woman said...

I was just noticing today I need to get my birdfeeders filled to get the birds visiting this winter.

rjerdee said...

Spirited portrait!!!

Yep, keeping our ducks in a row...right now we're at DisneyWorld running marathons...be back home soon where I can get some blog-reading done!

Deborah said...

I love it! It's funny you should mention ducks in a row, it's a little reminder I tell myself regularly and this year I actually titled it at the top of my main to do list.