Wednesday, September 21, 2011

bundles of fun

a few rusty pieces of iron were added to the organic matter as well...

berries give great color....

i didn't realize how pornographic my bundles looked until i posted these pics...oh dear!

those iron flashes are worth pursuing....



 It has been a busy summer with not much time for artsy fun. Yesterday I gathered bits of things from the woods to jazz up a very tired and stained tablecloth and t-shirt.  I bundled them up, tied them tightly with string and then heated up some water in my cauldron. I threw in some annatto seeds ( from last week's Mexican cooking) and a few tea bags into the boiling water. I added my bundles, boiled for half an hour, then set them in the sun. This morning I untied the bundles. I am loving the organic colors, textures, and designs......bundles of fun.....


Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Susan.
Well, first we need to seek out a cauldron.....!!!!

What fun you have had experimenting with your tie dyeing techniques and what an amazing range of natural colours. What will you try next?

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

very cool project- I know some monkeys that would get a kick out of this- reminds me of the flower petal hammering we did:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Porno bundles, ha ha ha! But the results are great!

OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

I really love what the iron did to the lace. So kewl. Oma Linda

Mrs P said...

How clever of you, I have never tried tie dyeing, looks like fun and a great way to recycle x

Deborah said...

What great results! I've used a variety of berries and haven't yet achieved that color. I picked some berries the other day though that I'll be trying out soon.

doreen said...

this is great! I love the color from the berries!

donna baker said...

Looks like so much fun.

Pet said...

Oh, all this is so beautiful, and it looks like you are having a lot of fun with it too!

Cloudia said...

cool fabric art!

Warm Aloha from Waikiki;

Comfort Spiral

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rjerdee said...

Leave it to you to dream up an organic method for tie-dying!!!

drollgirl said...

i want a cauldron!